giovedì 29 gennaio 2015

Final evaluations

Dear all,

Sorry about the delay with your marks - it has taken me a while to get all your work together and have a global overview of your work to evaluate you - but I finally have and you'll find your marks here on this page. and also information for registering.

Thank you for your participation in the course, I hope you got something out of it.
I'd like to have some feedback from you in order to be able to improve the course next year - so I'd be grateful if you could complete this evaluation form for me, it is anonymous. It is based on the questionnaire that student reps provided us with a few years ago and I have added a few questions.

Thanks again, and see you for registration.


3 commenti:

  1. Goodafternoon, I just have one question for the registration. Do we have to come to the "oral exam" on Thursday the 5th or do we just have to register for it on uniweb? I prefer asking to be sure. Thank you!

  2. Hi Caroline
    You're right - since you no longer 'need' to have the registration recorded in your 'libretto' there is actually no need for you to come to registration. Sorry, this is all quite a new thing for us here :-)

  3. Actually I need your signature and my grade on my "libretto dello studente erasmus". Can I come Thursday at the time schduled for the oral exam? Or I can come any other time, I just need to give back my libretto completed to the Unipd before I go back in Belgium (Feb 12) :-) Thank you!
