giovedì 15 gennaio 2015

Links to essay writing

3 commenti:

  1. 1. After the murders that happened in the offices of the satyrical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the world attention was focused on paris and on the others attacks made by terrorists. Obviously mass media have talked about these facts and have given several interpretations. 2. Some mass media have presented the terrorist attacks as catastrophic and they have stated that extremist violence could lead only to a war between westrn "civilized" countries and the barbarians followers of ISIS, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram. In addition, according to these newspapers and tv shows the cause of islamic terrorist attacks is the medieval islamic culture. 3. Other mass media fortunately have had a more rational opinion about the recent facts occured in Paris. In fact, some journalists and opinion leaders have explained that the terrorist violence is a menace for European citizens, but the solution is to answer to this new challenge with proper policies by governments. They said also that extremist violences were born also as a consequence of wars and international policies made by western countries that had weakened moderate islamic culture and had enforced terrorists. 4. In conclusion this is a difficult topic, but if mass media frightened people , they make the terrorist attacks more successful. On the contrary, newspapers, blogs and tv shows sould be more responsible and inform more rationally the people.

  2. In 7 Jenuary, 2015, in Paris two people had attacked to newsroom of the satiriccal newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

    the role of the media it's very important during this event, but they have used the language, the image, and the video mighty. This does nothing to increase the impact in the audience.
    The mighty representation of the situation have make a terror sentiment in the population. These have a sentiments of hate and fury in respect to who killed the journalists in yhe newsroom Charlie Hebdo.
    Another, this young men was presented as a al Qaeda terrorist and they had opereted in name to Allah. this siatuation had increase the negative sentiment towards to Muslim world.

    the effects to ascribe of journalist are trasmitt the terror sentiment, but this situation had make the reunion majors heads of the wordls. they have comndaned these attack and they have promised to world people thei commitment to protection the population from the terroristic fury.

    according my opinion, other effects to ascribe to the attack in Paris is the law consideration from the Franch intelligence, because they have underrated the situation and they not be able to protect the population and to prevent terroristic attacks.

  3. Last January 7th two Islamic terrorists attacked the satirical French magazine “Charlie Hebdo” because of the publication of some offensive cartoons against the figure of Prophet Mohammad.
    The following days a casher supermarket was the target of another attack and we can probably affirm that all these episodes show as there are problems of integration in Europe. In fact the terrorists were both born in France and the had the French citizenship.
    The media focused on what happened in Paris with a worldwide interest.

    The media’s role has been really essential and they’ve contributed to create a common sense of solidarity and emotional participation with all French people.
    Many internationals journals, magazine and televisions supported the work of Charlie Hebdo in the name of free speech and the freedom of expression.
    According to all the medias the Islamic terrorism killed innocent people and at the same time it struck one of the most important rights of the western world.
    In media’s point of view those rights are sacred and no one can attent to them.

    However this international support has had a main effect. It seems that all the international press is “under attack” not only the French weekly.
    A common worldwide campaign has been launched to defend the impartiality of the journalists, their right to express personal feeling and the possibility to self expression.
    A large support has come from official institutions , public opinions and also many and many simple citizens around the world.

    In conclusion, I personally agree with this press campaign because a magazine must be free to express some messages but also the sensibility of all citizens must be preserved.
    In particular in this historical moment some cartoon risk to touch the inner sensations of Muslim believers. The free speech and the freedom of expression are necessary for a good democratic political system but it must not be used to provoke. As we can see the consequences sometimes can be really negative.
