giovedì 29 gennaio 2015

Final evaluations

Dear all,

Sorry about the delay with your marks - it has taken me a while to get all your work together and have a global overview of your work to evaluate you - but I finally have and you'll find your marks here on this page. and also information for registering.

Thank you for your participation in the course, I hope you got something out of it.
I'd like to have some feedback from you in order to be able to improve the course next year - so I'd be grateful if you could complete this evaluation form for me, it is anonymous. It is based on the questionnaire that student reps provided us with a few years ago and I have added a few questions.

Thanks again, and see you for registration.


mercoledì 7 gennaio 2015

Guest speaker on Friday - Francis Rolt

On Friday at 8.45 we will have a guest speaker, Francis Rolt from Radio for Peace Building. He has extensive experience of working with media for conflict transformation, and he has worked with international organizations such as Search for Common Ground, UNICEF and the BBC .  Please read up about him and the work he does, and prepare some questions for him. The title of his talk is Media Works: from building peace to countering violent extremism, and in light of what happened in Paris today I think it will be very interesting to hear what he has to say.

Here is a quiz on Headlines from web news sources yesterday

Participants and processes

Today in class we looked at how we can analyse texts by looking at participants and processes, voice, and the use of nominalisation.

We briefly analysed this article about Shell in the Niger Delta
Tomorrow we will compare it with a Greenpeace article on Shell and Niger Delta. Then I will test your critical skills by asking you to analyse this video: We are sorry