mercoledì 26 novembre 2014

Your blog project

Aims of blog project:

  • to read, listen and write in English on a topic of interest to you and also related to your studies.
  • to develop online literacies, such as evaluating websites, selecting sources, re-presenting and paraphrasing information, writing for an audience, developing critical thinking skills
For this project you will have to create a blog in groups of max. 4 people.
Choose a topic that you are interested in, and also relates somehow to your studies. It could be a particular area or country, it could be an area of European policy, it could be a cause you feel strongly about and want to write about and even campaign for, such as public goods (like water...), racism, poverty, media, it could be an aspect of life in Italy or Europe, or how Italy or another country is viewed by the international press (here's an Italian version).
If you're interested in political blogs, here's an interesting summary of different kinds of political blogs
Make sure that it is a topic all group member have some interest in, or a topic which each group member could focus on from different perspectives.
At least one person in your group should feel comfortable with using technology and be able to resolve technical issues.

ALTERNATIVELY you could choose to FOLLOW and comment regularly on an English language blog on a topic of interest to you, or contribute to a blog such as Italia dall'estero

Each group member should post at least one entry a week. Your posts can be a personal commentary or reflection on the topic, a summary of information from other sources (with links to these), applications of what we do in class to the topic you are writing about.
Your posts can contain links to other websites, embedded videos and photos.
Make sure you do not use images with copyright. If you want to include a picture on your blog, this is a good site but remember to select Creative Commons Licence.
Here's some advice on writing blog posts:

Every week one or two group members will give a 2-3 minute presentation to the class on the group's blog
Every week each group member should post at least one comment on another group's blog.

Your blogs should be up and running by next week: 3rd December.
ONE member of each group should send a comment to this post with a short description of the blog, the URL of the blog and names of group members.

7 commenti:

  1. This is hour blog: For the time being it’s named Food and Life but we are still looking for a better name (any advice is most welcome ;-)
    As you may imagine it is going to be about food: food and culture (around the world), food and jobs, food and agriculture, policies about food,.... Week by week we’ll be able to understand what to focus on.
    Our group’s members are: Marika Greggio and Sara Musumeci

  2. This is our blog:
    Our purpose is to analyse several aspects of contemporary religious problems. We will examine a different issue every week. Each topic will be faced up from different points of view or in relation to different areas from all over the world.
    Our group's members are: Elisa Tancon, Mattia Vallerin, Denise De Martiis, Francesco Opramolla.

  3. Our blog is:
    The goal of our blog is to analyze the gender issues and the situation of women in different countries of the world. We will focus on women in various situations (work, media, politics,...) and in different countires (Italy, Tunisia, Serbia, Belgium,...).
    The group members are: Sandra Mitrovic, Elisabetta Gecchele, Eleonora Deidda and Caroline Dehaeseleer

  4. This is our blog We want to analyze the development strategy "Europa2020". We will propose every week topics different analysing variuos websites, blogs, newspaper articles, video. We are interested in this topic because it deals with matters such as the environment, economic development, poverty, digital divide and the public administration. Our group consists of: Alice Pasinato, Anna Sanson, Ilaria, Giovanni Tiozzo and Roberto Squarcina.

  5. Blog URL:
    Group's members: Daniele Bessegato, Nicolò Brugnolaro, Tommaso Marotta.
    Our blog will talk about power politics and every post should analyze a particular aspect of a conflict between two or more States. Conflicts can be military, political-diplomatic, economic or cultural clashes.

  6. Blog URL:
    The group members are: Elena Pedrocco, Lucia Menozzi, Martina Milano, Leonardo Minuzzo.
    Our blog speaks about cases of Smart Cities in Europe.

    group members : Teresa Bortolami, Irene Bonvicini, Alice Trevisan
