mercoledì 26 novembre 2014

Exploring the blogosphere

According to wikipedia the blogoshpere is "...the collective term encompassing all weblogs or blogs as a community or social network. Many weblogs are densely interconnected; bloggers read others' blogs, link to them, reference them in their own writing, and post comments on each others' blogs. Because of this, the interconnected blogs have grown their own culture." 

Here's a short, recent report on the blogosphere

Purpose: To search the Internet for blogs that interest you in order to become aware of how large and varied the blogosphere is and to get ideas for your own blogs. To start analyzing some of the characteristics of blogs as a genre.
Task: Search for blogs that might interest you. The Council on Foreign Relations has some blogs you may find interesting. Read some of the blogs. Choose one that interests you. Come back to our course blog and write a comment to this post about one of the blogs you have found. Give us the url and explain what you like about the blog and why you would recommend others visiting it.
Start considering how blogs are written and how links are used in blogs. What kind of language is used (formal, informal, vulgar, elegant)? How do bloggers make use of links in their posts? At the end of your post, write a few sentences about your initial observations of the styles used on the blogoshpere.
N.B. Be concise ;-)
Respond: Read the comments of the other students and go visit at least one of the blogs they have suggested. 
Deadline: Next week

1 commento:

  1. This is the blog I’ve been looking at:
    I chose it among the others of the Council on Foreign Relations because of the subject. My younger brother has been living in Brazil for one year and has planned to continue travelling and working in South America for the newt years.
    I’m not used to reed blogs and I was expecting something less formal. I think it depends on the subject. O’Neil’s blog looks like a web news-paper. The posts are proper articles where she never speaks using the first person and always supports what she says by linking (trough highlighted words) to the web sites where the news come from. I could not found any comment.
    Sara M.
